Power and Law:A Study of the Concept of Law,50Ethics127-143(1940).
The Inherent Conservatism of the Legal Profession,23Indiana Journal221-235(1948).
Some Recent Trends in European Legal Thought——West and East,2Weatern Political Quarterly45-58(1949).
The Natural-Law Doctrine before the Tribunal of Science:A Reply to Hans Kelsen,3Weatern Political Quarterly335-363(1950).
An Experiment in the Teaching of Legal History,2Journal of Legal Education501-504(1950).
The Impasse of Soviet Legal Philosophy,38Cornell Law Quarterly51-72,(1952).
The Public Policy Exception in Private International Law:A Reappraisl in the Light of Legal Philosophy,12Seminar:Annual Extraordinary Number of The Jurist51-66(1954).
Significant Development in German Legal Philosophy Since1945,3American Journal of Comparative Law379-396(1954).
Modern Analytical Jurisprudence and the Limits of Its Usefulness,104University of Pennsylvania Law Review1080-1086(1956).
Law as Order and Justice,6Journal of Public Law194-218(1957).
Analytical positivism,Legal Realism,and the Future of Legal Method,44Virginia Law Review365-378(1958).
A Decade of Jurisprudence in the United States of American:1946-1956,3Natural Law Forum44-67(1958).
The Province of Jurisprudence,46Cornell Law Quarterly1-15(1960).
Pr.judizienverwertung und Gesetzesauslegung im Amerikanischen Recht,160Archive für die Civilistische Praxis1-17(1961).
Reflections on the Rule of Law,8Utah Law Review1-11(1962).
Remarks at a Symposium on Habeas Corpus:Proposals for Reform,9Utah Law Review38-42(1964).
The Case Against Natural Law Reassessed,17Stanford Law Review39-54(1964).
Revisión del Proceso contra el Derecho Natural(Spanish translation of preceding article),11Dianoia:Anuario de Filosof.a182-197(1965).
Justice as a Rational Ideal,15Oesterreichische Zeitschrift für Oeffentliches Recht410-421(1965).
Brith Control Legislation and the United States Supreme Court,14University of Kansas Law Review453-460(1966).
Social Goals as Objects of Cognition,1966Archiv für Rechts-und Sozialphilosophie(LII/4)465-479.
Three Questions about Natural Law(in Japanese and English),2Annual of Natural
Law Study10-13(Osaka:Osaka City University,1966).
Classicism and Romanticism in the Law,15UCLA Law Review915-930(1966).
A Neglected Theory of Legal Reasoning,21Journal of Legal Education373-402(1969).
Philosophical Anthropology and the Law,59California Law Review653-682(1971).Reprinted in Essays in Honor of Hans Kelsen653-682.Edited by the California Law Review.(Hackensack,N.J.:Fred B.Rothman&Co.,1971).
Antilaw Sentiments and Their Philosophical Foundations,46Indiana Law Journal175-185(1971).
Randglossen zum Buche von Alfred Verdross,Statisches und Dynamisches Naturrecht,25Wissenschaft und Weltbild189-184(1972).
Static and Dynamic Natural Law,24Oesterreichische Zeitschrift für Oeffentliches Recht13-17(1973).
Hart,Dworkin,and the Problem of Judicial Lawmaking Discretion,11Georgia Law Review1143-1172(1977).
The Need for a Reorientation in American Conflicts Law,29Hastings Law Journal731-750(1978).This article is a reproduction of the essay published in1977in Internationales Recht und Wirtschaftsordnung,supra under II.
Seventy-Five Years of Evolution in Legal Philosophy,23American Journal of Jurisprudence181-211(1978).This is the English version of the article published in Spanish in1979in LXXV A n os de Evolución Jur.dica en el Mundo,supra under II.
The Influence of Roman Law on Eraly Medieval Culture,3Hastings International and Comparative Law Review9-27(1979).
Perelman`s Contribution to Legal Methodology,12Northern Kentucky Law Review391(1985).
Individual and Organized Society from the Perspective of a Philosophical Anthropology,9J.Social&Biol.Structures207-226(1986).
Perelman`s Methodology and Natural Law Reasoning,Vera Lex,Vol.VII,No.1,p.2(1987).
Norm und Ermessen in der Entwicklung des amerikanischen internationalen Privatrechts,51Rabels Zeitschrift fürAusl.ndisches und internationales Privatrecht1(1987).
Preface to the Chinese Translation of Jurisprudence:The Philosophy and Method of the Law,21U.C.Davis Law Rev.973(1988).
Law as a Bridge between Is and Ought,1Ratio Juris137(1988).
Cardozo`s Views on Law and Adjudication Revisited,22U.C.Davis Law Rev.1095(1989).
Jerome Frank,Courts on Trail,2Utah L.Rev.81(1950).
F.S.C.Northrop,The Complexity of Legal and Ethical Experience,108U.Pa.L.Rev.930(1960).
Samuel Shuman,Legal Positivism,62Mich.L.Rev.154(1963).
Karl Llewellyn,Jurisprudence,41Tex.L.Rev.609(1963).
H.L.A.Hart,The Concept of Law,10U.C.L.A.L.Rev.959(1963).
Albert Ehrenzweig,Psychoanalytic Jurisprudence,71Mich.L.Rev.203(1972).
Cornelius Murphy,Modern Legal Philosophy,24McGill L.Rev.661(1978).Notes:This review contains a critique of Rawls,A Theory of Justice.
Vilmos Peschka,Theorie der Rechtsnormen,33Am.J.Comp.L.115(1985).
Alan Watson,Sources of Law,Legal Change,and Ambiguity,33Am.J.Comp.L.768(1985).